Završena prva faza modernizacije Zoološkog vrta

The first phase of Zagreb Zoo modernization is finished
The Zagreb Zoo was founded in 1925 in Maksimir Park and was partially renovated several times. The City of Zagreb and the Zoo Institute signed a contract for the project “Modernization of the Zagreb Zoological Garden, the first phase” in order to obtain the grants from the European Union funds in 2014. During the first phase of modernization 15 facilities were built, reconstructed and equipped. During 2015 and 2016, the garden has got dozens of new buildings or some old were renovated, each signed mostly by younger Croatian architects.

Read more here.

Zagrebački Zoološki vrt osnovan je 1925. godine u parku Maksimir te se nekoliko puta parcijalno uređivao. Grad Zagreb i Ustanova Zoološki vrt potpisali su 2014. godine ugovor za projekt “Modernizacija Zoološkog vrta grada Zagreba, prva faza” za dodjelu bespovratnih sredstava iz fondova Europske unije. Tijekom prve faze modernizacije izgrađeno je, rekonstruirano i opremljeno 15 objekta. Tijekom 2015. i 2016. godine vrt je dobio desetak skroz novih objekata ili su neki stari obnovljeni, koje svaki potpisuju uglavnom mlađi hrvatski arhitekti.

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