Z – renoviranje kuće “napad na potkrovlje”

Z – house renovation “attack the attic”
Imagine having a big bed for yourself but using only half of it and sleeping curled up while the other half just stays there undisturbed! Sane? No.

Well, now imagine living in a house. A nice house. There is a living room, there is a bedroom, there is the kitchen and there is the infamous attic! Filled with a lot of stuff we don’t really need and completely unused. No logic there, right? But it is an often situation!

This is the part where POPARH comes in and turns your world upside down with house renovations and makes it not just pretty but practical!

This project is still in progress but we are giving you our vision of that unused space! A place that entices you to come and relax! We didn’t wanna hide the fact that it’s the attic because we decided to use the wooden beams to break the singular wall surface. Also, as it usually does, when you move the living room to the attic, a lot of free space is left in the ground floor. So, of course, we added some extra bedrooms. 😉

Zamislite da imate skroz veliki krevet samo za sebe. Ali vi odlučujete iz dana u dan spavati stisnuto na polovici kreveta. Smisla nema, logike još manje.
A sad zamislite da živite u kući. Lijepoj kući. Klasičnoj obiteljskoj kući. Boravak. Kuhinja. WC. Hodnik. Jedna spavaća soba. I… tavan. (Ne)Slavni tavan pun nepotrebnih stvari i u potpunosti neiskorišten prostor kao i druga polovica kreveta! Besmisleno!
Tu ulijeće POPARH i od Vaše “klasične obiteljske kućice” napravi prostor, ne samo oku ugodan nego i izrazito praktičan!

Projekt je još uvijek u procesu, no svakako možete već sada vidjeti u potpunosti iskorišten prostor koji prosto mami na opuštanje dok se estetika postigla u kombinaciji sa elementima samog tavana koje nismo sakrivali nego isticali. Drvene grede, koje su jasno vidljive, služe kao “vizualna pauza” u zidu. Također, seljenje životnog prostora na tavan, u prizemlju ostavlja prostor za više soba što je uvijek potreba kada se radi o obitelji!

