Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at POPARH!
Christmas is a time when our inner designer comes out and all our preferences come out! It doesn’t even matter whether it is colorful or just one note, cold or warm lights or even if it is a real tree or a plastic one, everyone loves their own! The uniqueness of every Christmas tree represents the person decorating it and that is the center of all our projects… Your own uniqueness! And with that in mind, once again we wish you a lot of joy, blessings and love in the oncoming holidays! Oh and… take a break and rest a little during these holidays!
Sve najbolje za Božić i sretna Vam Nova Godina od Vašeg POPARH-a!
Božić je vrijeme u kojem se jako ističu svačije preference oko estetike. Nebitno radi li se o šarenom, jednobojnom, toplom ili hladnom, pravom ili umjetnom boru, svakome je njegov najljepši! Unikatnosti svakog bora je ono što nas razlikuje, a POPARH je uvijek cijenio baš to u svakom svojem projektu! I zato posebno volimo ovakve blagdane! Još jednom Vam želimo puno sreće, blagostanja i ljubavi… I da, odmorite se ovih blagdana!