Još jedan završeni projekat – Corpus Centrum

Another project done – CORPUS CENTRUM
Here in POPARH we take great pride in our projects… And this is one we are really proud of. CORPUS CENTRUM – owned by Marinko Smolčić just got it’s brand new look done by, none other than POPARH! A perfect example of great cooperation, creativity and thinking outside of the box! Using the limitations as an advantage, transforming “low budget” materials into high class elements and contrasting the raw with the refined we have created a dynamic in a space that now welcomes you with warmth while still keeping the appropriate aesthetics respecting the work that is done there.

Check it out here

POPARH se jako ponosi svojim projektima… A CORPUS CENTRUM Marinka Smolčića upravo je dobio novi izgled koji smo napravili upravo mi! Savršen primjer dobre suradnje, kreativnosti i slobodnog razmišljanja! Korištenje ograničenja kao prednosti, pretvaranje “jeftinijih” materijala u visoko klasne elemente prostora te suprotstavljanjem sirovog i oplemenjenog stvorili smo dinamiku prostora koja sada odiše toplinom dok simultano odražava ozbiljnost poslovne djelatnosti…

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